Physical Address

304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124

Watch the video: What happened the day Nathaniel collapsed

Timing — when things happen — is key to a police investigation. The Strathroy-Caradoc Police Service and the OPP took detailed notes of key times in the investigation of Nathaniel McLellan’s death. Those times are recorded in hundreds of pages of search warrant documents unsealed by a London judge following a Toronto Star request.
In an exclusive video, the Toronto Star lays out some of those times. When was Nathaniel dropped at daycare? When did he collapse? What time were any phone calls made? When was he rushed to hospital?
The answers to these questions come in witness statements detailed in the search warrant documents.
As one doctor told Rose-Anne and Kent McLellan in a recorded interview, after examining Nathaniel’s case, there was “no doubt he has a had a head injury. He has a fracture and he has a scalp injury.” The injury was clearly serious and the brain was badly damaged, but as neuropathologist Dr. David Ramsay told the parents two years later “the problem is we don’t know exactly when this happened.” Ramsay made these comments during a meeting that included a top Ontario coroner. Both had agreed to brief the McLellans on their son’s case.
Ramsay went on to say, “generally speaking the weight of opinion is (the injured person) are either unconscious from the time of the event or they deteriorate very rapidly after.”
